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wenzhou tongli pipe fittings manufacturing co;ltd.

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stainless steel pipe fittings
stainless steel pipe fittings
Specification: the size from DN15-DN1200
Detail: the products size from DN15-DN1200, the manfctuing standard as the ANSIB16.9 and GB/T12459-2005, the equipment with core rod,the surface deal with normal polish. the quality is good and the surface is very beautiful.

stainless steel pipe fittings
stainless steel pipe fittings
Specification: the size from DN15-DN1200
Detail: the products size from DN15-DN1200, the manfctuing standard as the ANSIB16.9 and GB/T12459-2005, the equipment with core rod,the surface deal with normal polish. the quality is good and the surface is very beautiful.

stainless steel pipe fittings
stainless steel pipe fittings
Specification: the size from DN15-DN1200
Detail: the products size from DN15-DN1200, the manfctuing standard as the ANSIB16.9 and GB/T12459-2005,the surface deal with normal polish. the quality is good and the surface is very beautiful.

stainless steel pipe fittings
stainless steel pipe fittings
Specification: the size from DN15-DN1200
Detail: the products size from DN15-DN1200, the manfctuing standard as the ANSIB16.9 and GB/T12459-2005, the equipment with core rod,the surface deal with normal polish. the quality is good and the surface is very beautiful.

stainless steel pipe fittings
stainless steel pipe fittings
Specification: the size from DN15-DN1200
Detail: the products size from DN15-DN1200, the manfctuing standard as the ANSIB16.9 and GB/T12459-2005, the equipment with core rod,the surface deal with normal polish. the quality is good and the surface is very beautiful.
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